Getting started with Django
Django is a Python programming language based web-development framework, this means that it can run on most commercially available servers out there that support Python.
This guide assumes that you are familiar with running your own linux box.If you are totally clueless about servers, command line and all that voodoo, I will glady help you setup your Django application, just book a consultation here and I will help you get started.
Pick a web host
The wrong web host will make your experience using Django more painful that it should be . Djangofriendly is a whole site dedicated to collecting and comparing the best web hosts for your Django application.
My personal favorites are linode and Digital Ocean , both of these have very affordable and reliable hosting options that you can scale up or down depending on your business needs.
Digital Ocean has a great tutorial on one click installation for your Django application that you should check out.
Installation and setup
Django has a variety of applications that come ready to use out of the box.Depending on your needs you can find and setup Django from the get-go for a specific business purpose, from blogs to enterprise content management Django has it all. I will focus on blogs, CMS and e-commerce applications because these are the most widely used.
Django has some great options for setting up a blog, from simple applications like zinnia to full blown CMS’es like mezzanine.If you want to setup Django for blogging I suggest using either mezzanine or django cms, both of these applications come with everything you will need.The main difference between Mezzanine and Django CMS is that the latter can be easily intergrated into an existing Django project while the former is more suited for a from-scratch setup.
Checkout, SAP web-services and Payment intergration.You want an application that won’t have you re-invent the wheel.The 3 applications that stand out are Stachmo , Satchless and Oscar . These packages will cover the vast majority of interfaces and features that you will need while implementing your store.
There is a Django application for almost any business application you want to build, Django packages is an awesome resource to find applications and installation instructions for all sorts of Django packages.